Join us at GenCon 2019 at booth #2508. We will have the beta version of Massive Core as well as Pirate Tricks, Shifting Realms, and Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed.
BGG Spring
TantrumCon 2019
We are going to be at the first ever 3 day convention run by TantrumHouse. We are looking forward to hanging out with the TantrumHouse gang and playing some great games. We will have Shifting Realms for sale. And, for the first time anywhere other than other our website, we will have limited copies of our next game Pirate Tricks for sale. Come by if you are in area and say hi.
PAX Unplugged Booth #2258
Check Us Out at Booth #826 at BGG.CON
Join Us At Falcon 2018
Soaring Rhino Booth #2961 at GenCon
Come Visit Us At Origins
If you missed us at BGG Spring, come find us at Origins Game Fair, June 13-17. We will be demoing Mammoth and Shifting Realms. We will also be debuting our upcoming trick-taking game Pirate Tricks and have a prototype of the Shifting Realms expansion due out next year, Shifting Realms: Darkness Revealed.
Great Time At BGG Spring
Successful KIckstarter for Shifting Realms
Ant Lab Games and Tantrum House post Playthru Videos
Ant Lab Games and Tantrum House have posted playthru videos of Shifting Realms. Ant Labs do a 2-player and Tantrum House does a 4-player.
Official Shifting Realms Relaunch Date
Tantrum House releases a preview video for "Shifting Realms".
Tantrum House has released Shifting Realms Preview video. They do a great job of explaining the basics of the game.
New "It's Game Time!" Episode
Check out the new episode of It's Game Time! Jeff and Craig talk about the pulled KS campaign and what they have been up to.